Immune Support

Dr. Joe's goal is to standardize a diet plan that is designed to educate so you don't over medicate through proven non-medical solutions that work. Dr. Profit emphasis wellness and weight management based on the "food science innovation".

Defining and Setting Goals:

It's easy to set out on a health and wellness management program without a clear destination. And without a clear goal, it is impossible to get there. But, on the other hand, you may say, "Hey, I got a destination.  I got a goal. I want to lose weight!" Do you want to lose weight as a middle-aged homemaker, executive or retired professional athlete?  

At the beginning of this program, take the time to spell out your goals in detail. The more specific you can define your goals, the easier it will be for you to map out how to get there and be more satisfied at the end of the program. 

Meeting the Challenge:

In setting your goals, think of wellness as a state of well-being consisting of optimum mental and physical strength, weight control levels, and some cardiovascular and aerobic capacities that help you participate fully and enjoy your life. Whatever your challenge, in the chapters that follow, you'll discover a proven lifestyle transition weight-loss strategy tailored to tackle your wellness pitfalls.  

Time to Focused:

Take a minute to think about why you want to lose weight.  The reason you want to lose weight makes no difference. Maybe you want to drop those pounds you gained on your last sea cruise, or you'd like to shed fifteen to twenty pounds that you've been carrying for a friend. Perhaps you are concerned about your overall health or a specific health issue? Are you trying to lose inches around your waist, hips, or all over? Are you participating in special training, and do you need to lose weight for a specific sports activity? Are you trying to lose weight for work or career reasons?   What it means to you, what are you addressing specifically.

Set your goals so they are realistic and reachable. Goal setting aims to give you wins and successes that will motivate you to reach a higher goal. For example, maximize your weight management time by not noting plans in this book diary section and reviewing them each day. Whatever your goal, if it isn't measurable, you won't know when you've made it there.

 Reaching your destination is measurable. "A" 32- inch waist, 132 pounds body weight, twenty-eight-day game plan "is achievable. Before starting your health and wellness transition program, consult your doctor. Measure your body top to bottom. Record the information in the diary section of this book.

Update that section regularly to see your progress. Note other goals and check them as well. It'll get you to your destination, and it's going to feel great when you get there!  


Dream, Achieve, Succeed and Maintain: 

What is the 28-Day lifestyle change "health and  nutrition transition diet?" 

It is a life-changing strategy used to accomplish proven measurable outcomes and massive action, in an accelerated amount of time. Why should you use our 28-Day lifestyle change "health and  nutrition transition diet? 

A recent study showed that participants who wrote down their goals achieved significantly

more than those who only evaluated their goals.

The study also demonstrated the effectiveness of accountability and commitment. 

What does that mean? Participants who wrote down both goals and action commitments were more likely to achieve those goals. Better yet, all the participants that reached their goals formulated accomplishments and sent their reports to the success coach as requested were successful.

Who should participate in the 28-Day lifestyle change "health and  nutrition transition diet?"

Anyone who is serious about improving their health and longevity will join the program. The 28-Day lifestyle change "health & nutrition transition diet" will help you identify the steps you need to take to build a strong easy-to-live-with, healthy, flexible diet transition plan. 

We put a heavy emphasis on nutrition wellness and weight management. Our goal is to standardize a lifestyle change diet plan that is evidence based through education, coaching, and trust  with proven solutions that work. 

                                                        "Weight loss commitment"

If you give it 28 days…

it will take off 28 pounds. It works! 

We have created a life-changing health and nutrition program that will enhance your Quality of Life (body, mind, and spirit); we will begin a 60-day challenge with before and after photos where the winners of the weight loss challenge or receive cash and prizes from the company.  

I am a walking testimony of how the program works! I have lost 28 pounds in the last month on the agenda.  My skin is flawless, and I've never looked or felt better. My friends tell me I'm looking ten years younger.  

No gastric bypass surgery is needed, just clean eating by everyday people.  When you join the program and become a member, we "educate so you won't overmedicate." We will explain your daily meal routine so you will grow in body, mind, and spirit; develop and maintain more self-discipline in your food selection. In doing the 28-day transition, you will realize that you want to be better and be better. Inspiration comes from within.  

You have an internal voice that is shouting out passionately and asking you to become a better version of yourself. Why spend a lifetime acquiring wealth and financial money, and when you  retire, your health has failed you and saying to yourself ." don't be rich and sick."  

In life, there's no guarantee, but you can always decide to change, reinvest in your lifestyle and become a better version of yourself. You can make the transition into a healthier and wealthier person. FYI, at the end of the day," you don't want to be rich and sick." 

I encourage you to join the team and become an active member of walking Testimonials to enhance your health and spiritual life.   You can become a winner too!  

For more information on joining our maintenance program: please visit (Health and Nutrition Transition Team)         




Weigh yourself at the beginning of this program (first thing in the morning), at the end of the 28 days, weigh yourself again; you will lose 22-55 pounds and from 2-5 inches. Be advised this program does not depend on calories but is based on your body's vital chemical interaction within itself. Therefore your body does not have any choice but to change its appearance. 

If you follow the game plan with extreme accuracy and strict compliance specified herein; and do not substitute any food with another even if you omit any food selected for each day, you will be successful.    

When you change your mind, you will change your body, which will change the way you look and feel about yourself. For example, you can look years younger and feel more energetic than before deciding to make this "Nutrition Transition." 

This program has been designed to help you understand the basics of metabolism and how it works on your body to lose weight.   

Slowing Metabolism: 

Both women's and men's metabolism start to slow at age 30—women more than men slowdown doubles at age 50.  After age 30, both men and women start losing about half a pound of their calorie-burning muscle tissue each year. In most cases, your body will burn 200 fewer calories a day, and it's a fact it is easier to gain weight than to lose it. 

You gain a few pounds every year, and your waist expands a few inches.

It turns out after you hit your 30's, your metabolism begins to slow down1, which means your body is burning almost 200 fewer calories a day by the time you're 50. Change is hard, but the transition is smart. For most people, it's hard enough to find the motivation to exercise and the discipline to eat healthier. moreover, after 50, it's hard by-the-yard, but inch-by-inch, it's chinch!

FYI, your body doesn't recover from exercise as quickly as it did in your 20's.

Many people hear the word exercise and can't help but think sacrifice, pain, and frustration. So they start with a "let's do this" attitude (I'll work out three days a week every week), but soon cut it back to once a week. This health and nutrition transition program allows you to slowly change your lifestyle and maintain and manage the new you. Want to lose that unwanted weight? Just keep in step with our nutrition game plan until you reach your weight-loss goal.  

Some research literature appears to support what has been taught as of today – that obese people have a higher risk for type 2 diabetes.  But, in addition to supporting prevailing wisdom, the researchers also explore new frontiers.  For example, one study suggests a relationship between hypertension and an increased risk for type 2 diabetes. 

Finally, this information is most helpful when dealing with obese patients who have difficulty motivating themselves to adopt a regular exercise regime.Experience indicates that it is harder to begin exercising once obesity has set in.  I hope to educate some people by offering the latest information which consistently links diabetes and obesity will help to motivate some to lose weight and prevent the onset of a devastating disease  


If the food you are craving is not listed in this Health and Nutrition Transition Diet, do not eat it: 

 "You can eat as much of each item that makes up your meal as indicated." 

  1. Do not use any oil, fats, butter, or margarine. 
  1. Vegetables must be steamed or boiled in water without adding beef or chicken broth.
  2. You can add salt, pepper, and spices.
  3. Make sure you drink plenty of water daily at least 1 gallon of water each day 
  4. You can drink any Diet Soda.
  5. If you feel hungry, you can eat any quantity of cucumbers, lettuce or carrots according to the following guidelines  
  1. -You can eat them only after two to three hours after your main meal. 

-          You can only eat one of the same kinds 

  1. If you missed a day from your schedule, you must start all over again from the first day you started.  
  1. You must strictly follow the program without replacing the breakfast meal with lunch or vice versa. 

At the end of this 28day program, we recommend our maintenance program to assist with your new lifestyle change.

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